Monday, August 10, 2009

A Storm on the Horizon

Well as I sit down and try to concentrate I find myself with an awesome headache.As many of you know we started a new contract a little over a week ago.Also many of you know that I am once again the only deck help on the tug.As the company tries to train an army of engineers the deck department suffers.It's hard not to worry about things falling apart when I'm the only one around to pick up the pieces and put them back together.We have spent all Summer painting and fixing the boat and it has taken less than a week on the dredge job to annihilate it.Besides I really don't have the time to worry about that when every six hours it's either time to make up or break down from the tug or put the empty scow alongside the dredge.So I'm looking forward to my time off but it seems I won't be "home" for much of it.I plan on doing a bit of traveling as is the usual I suppose.Sorry I haven't been updating on a usual basis but my only time to sit down is offshore and the Internet has yet to reach there.Ten days left out of sixty,I can do this!Ah yes and the above picture is of an approaching rain squall on the Chesapeake Bay.

1 comment:

Kirk Mantay said...

I'll take Japan-US relations for 100, Alex.